Murrupala Gold & Tantalum Project
The Murrupula Project is located in Numpula Province, 600km east of the Mavuzi Project and 70km south west of the regional city, Nampula.
The record of historical exploration activity in the Murrupula licence area has been limited to a few scattered eluvial and shallow, hard-rock pegmatite occurrences recorded on regional mapping.
Field work completed by Omega has included reconnaissance phase exploration of the regional and project geology, a review and interpretation of the regional radiometrics and aeromagnetic data, car and foot-borne reconnaissance geological mapping of the Murrupula licence area at 1:50,000 scale and a 416, -80 mesh, regional stream sediment sampling programme.
A total of 1516 soil samples were also collected in the Murrupula Licence area during the period September-October 2008.
First and second pass reconnaissance exploration has identified two anomalies considered worthy of further investigation.
The major target is a gold anomaly defined by stream and soil sampling with a peak value of 26,900ppb gold (26.9g/t gold). Alluvial gold workings were also noted coinciding with calc-silicate alteration along a contact between biotite schists and gneiss. The anomaly is approximately 2 km long by 300 m wide and open to the west. The anomaly is certainly very encouraging and warrants further detailed geological mapping as well as infill soil sampling to determine the prospects for a possible drilling programme.
The second target contains alluvial tantalum workings and anomalous Bi-Pb-As and REE as identified by stream sediment and soil sampling. This anomaly requires further work which would likely involve infill soil sampling.
North River will complete reconnaissance over the Murrupula anomalies prior to commencing infill soil sampling. Following the results of the soil sampling and data review North River intends to seek to farm out the development of these projects.